
October 26th-30th

Gale Woods Field Trip--Wednesday, October 

28th from 12:00-3:30.  

Please send your child to school wearing their college t-shirts, uniform bottoms and old tennis shoes/rain boots.  We will be eating lunch at school at their normal lunch time.  If you have any questions please contact your student's teacher.

OSA--Friday, October 30th at 2:50 in the 

Cologne Community Center.  

If you are planning on taking your child after the OSA please let your student's teacher know before Thursday afternoon.

If you are not receiving emails from MAINOFFICE@COLOGNEACADEMY.ORG (newsletters, lunch ordering information, etc.) please contact kfarrell@cologneacademy.org

Have You Seen My Duckling?
Farmer Duck
I Know an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Pie
Focus:  Schema and Prediction

We are reviewing for our Math Interims this week.  We will be taking Math Interims November 2-6th. Please make sure that your student gets a good breakfast and plenty of rest. 
During the months of September and October students will work on the following skills:
·         numbers 0-10 (ordering, identifying, representing, and writing)
·         matching and sorting: size and shape
·         2-dimensional shapes
·         patterns :AB and ABB
Throughout the year students will explore math through open-ended- problem solving journals, math stations, ipads/ipods, IXL, rekenreks, and a variety of math manipulatives.

Students will practice the basic handwriting strokes, pencil grip, and correct posture.
Drawing and Labeling Pictures

Plants- kindergarteners will learn about the parts of a plant and what plants need to grow. We will be growing our own plants and completing an observation log.


October 12-16

"We are wearing RED on Monday Oct. 12th to join the nation in showing our support to be an Upstander against bullying.  RED is to show we know that bullying does exist in our nation, but it stops with us, we will actively choose to be kind. The PRIDE Star way is to Think, Act and Tell if we experience or see bullying." Uniform bottoms, RED on top.

Conferences Tuesday, October 13th 4:00-8:00 p.m. and Wednesday, October 14th 8:00-4:00 p.m. Please sign up for conferences at www.mysignup.com/caconferences

Pumpkin Circle
Focus:  Schema and Prediction

During the months of September and October students will work on the following skills:
·         numbers 0-10 (ordering, identifying, representing, and writing)
·         matching and sorting: size and shape
·         2-dimensional shapes
·         patterns :AB and ABB
Throughout the year students will explore math through open-ended- problem solving journals, math stations, ipads/ipods, IXL, rekenreks, and a variety of math manipulatives.

Students will practice the basic handwriting strokes, pencil grip, and correct posture.
Drawing and Labeling Pictures


Five Senses - Students will learn about each of the five senses as well as how we gather information about our environment through the use of the senses. Students will also learn about what happens if the senses of sight and hearing do not function properly. Students will hear the stories of Helen Keller and Ray Charles, two individuals who overcame very significant challenges posed by disabilities related to sight and hearing.

Teacher Wish List:
Paper Towels
Clorox Wipes


October 5th-9th

"We are wearing RED on Monday Oct. 12th to join the nation in showing our support to be an Upstander against bullying.  RED is to show we know that bullying does exist in our nation, but it stops with us, we will actively choose to be kind. The PRIDE Star way is to Think, Act and Tell if we experience or see bullying." Uniform bottoms, RED on top.

Conferences Tuesday, October 13th 4:00-8:00 p.m. and Wednesday, October 14th 8:00-4:00 p.m.  Please sign up for conferences at www.mysignup.com/caconferences

Fire Prevention Week-October 5-9th

We're Going on a Leaf Hunt
Focus:  Schema

During the months of September and October students will work on the following skills:
·         numbers 0-10 (ordering, identifying, representing, and writing)
·         matching and sorting: size and shape
·         2-dimensional shapes
·         patterns :AB and ABB
Throughout the year students will explore math through open-ended- problem solving journals, math stations, ipads/ipods, IXL, rekenreks, and a variety of math manipulatives.

Letters Rr, Nn, Mm, Hh, Vv
Students will practice the basic handwriting strokes, pencil grip, and correct posture.
Drawing and Labeling Pictures


Five Senses - Students will learn about each of the five senses as well as how we gather information about our environment through the use of the senses. Students will also learn about what happens if the senses of sight and hearing do not function properly. Students will hear the stories of Helen Keller and Ray Charles, two individuals who overcame very significant challenges posed by disabilities related to sight and hearing.

Teacher Wish List:
Paper Towels
Clorox Wipes