*March 24, 2017
*This is a fundraiser where students read for 120 minutes throughout the day.
*Students are allowed to bring in a pillow or blanket or stuffed animal. *Students are also allowed to dress in comfy clothes for the day of reading.
*Please bring in your completed sponsor sheet and money.
*Students can bring in a book of their choosing to read during the day.
Kindergarten is looking for donations of graham crackers and pre-made white frosting (store bought) for our How To writing project where we will be writing about how to make a gingerbread house and then constructing it using the crackers, frosting, and candy.
We will be creating our own Fairy Tale by using the fairy tale elements that we have been learning about the last three weeks.
Fairy Tales and Fairy Tale Elements (Royalty, Magic, Talking Animals, Good/Evil Character, Love, Once Upon a Time, Happily Ever After)
During the months of January, February, March students will work on the following skills:
· numbers 0-31 (ordering, identifying, representing, and writing)
· addition
· Ordinal Position
· tally marks
· matching and sorting: 3-D shapes
· patterns : ABC, ABBA, growing patterns
· comparing, ordering, and measuring using non-standard units of measurement and with a ruler in inches
Throughout the year students will explore math through open-ended- problem solving journals, math stations, ipads/ipods, IXL, rekenreks, and a variety of math manipulatives.
Students are working on creating their How To writing about how to make a Gingerbread House. We will be constructing these houses on Wednesday and Thursday using our How To writing and then bringing them home along with our writing on Friday.
Columbus and the Pilgrims--This unit introduces students to two important topics in the
history of the United States: the first voyage of Columbus, and the voyage of the Pilgrims some 128 years later.