
January 22-26

Join Cologne Academy as we celebrate School Choice Week with a collaborative Expo on
Thursday, January 25th from 5-7pm
showcasing art projects, science and history displays,
and Spanish performances!

Every grade level should meet on the ramp outside the gym 5 minutes before their Spanish performance, and students will be dismissed from the stage back to their families after the Spanish performance.

Please stop and look at your students classwork on their desks in their classroom and take it home the night of the Expo.

There will be a bus shuttle from St. Bernard's Catholic Church to CA running about every 10 minutes.

Don't forget to vote for best in show award for the Art Show.

Performance Schedule
Kindergarten  5:00pm-5:20pm
1st grade  5:30pm-5:50pm
2nd grade  6:00pm-6:20pm
3rd grade 6:30pm-6:50pm

Please stop and look at your students classwork on their desks and take it home the night of the Expo.

There will be a bus shuttle from St. Bernard's Catholic Church to CA running about every 10 minutes.

Don't forget to vote for best in show award for the Art Show.

Middle School
There will be a bus shuttle from St. Bernard's Catholic Church to CA running about every 10 minutes.

Don't forget to vote for best in show award for the Art Show.

Make sure to take home your Science Fair project before you leave.

·       Monday, January 22nd - January 26th is National School Choice Week! Woo-hoo!
·       Tuesday, January 23rd at 6:30 pm is an Information Meeting/Tour in the CA lunch room. If you know of any families interested in attending CA, spread the word! 
·       Thursday, January 25th from 5:00 - 7:00 pm is the Extraordinary Expo! Please see the email that was sent earlier this week for the details :)
·       Friday, January 26th is College T-Shirt Day AND the January OSA. We will be celebrating National School Choice Week and our 10 year anniversary. We are excited to show our dancing skills during the School Choice Dance :) You are more than welcome to join us for our OSA! Please let me know by noon that day if you are attending and taking your kinder home with you so I can ensure your kinder has his/her end-of-day things with us

During the months of January, February, March students will work on the following skills:
·         numbers 0-31 (ordering, identifying, representing, and writing)
·         addition
·         Ordinal Position
·         tally marks
·         matching and sorting: 3-D shapes
·         patterns : ABC, ABBA, growing patterns
·         comparing, ordering, and  measuring using non-standard units of measurement and with a ruler in inches

Throughout the year students will explore math through open-ended- problem solving journals, math stations, ipads/ipods, IXL, rekenreks, and a variety of math manipulatives.

Focus: Problem and Solution
Llama Llama books by Anna Dewdney

Geography:  We are learning...
·        what a map and globe represent and how they are used
·        what rivers, lakes, and mountains are and how they are represented on maps and globes 
·        the location of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans 
·        the location of the North and South Poles 
·        the meaning of some basic terms necessary for working with maps such as compass rose, cardinal directions, symbols, keys, etc 
·        the names and locations of the seven continents and some familiar associations with each continent
·        the name location of the town, city, or community, and the state in which they live

·        the location of North America, the continental United States, Alaska, and Hawaii


January 8-12


January 15th-MLK Day of Service (Kindergarten is in charge of bringing in brushes, combs and hairties.  Please bring these in as soon as possible.

Spanish Expo Performance Schedule - January 25th

Kindergarten will perform 5 short songs on the stage from 5:00pm-5:20pm
1st grade will perform 3 short songs on the stage from 5:30pm-5:50pm
2nd grade will perform 2 longer songs on the stage from 6:00pm-6:20pm
3rd grade will perform 2 longer songs on the stage from 6:30pm-6:50pm

Math Interim Week--Please make sure your child is getting enough sleep so they are ready for testing!

During the months of November, December, and January students will work on the following skills:
  • ·   numbers 0-20 (ordering, identifying, representing, and writing)
  • ·   tally marks
  • ·  matching and sorting: shapes
  • ·  reviewing 2 -dimensional shapes
  • ·  patterns :ABC and ABB
  • ·  comparing, ordering, and  measuring using non-standard units of measurement and with a ruler in inches
We are reviewing this week for Math on above standards.  Our Math Interim is next week-January 8-12th.

Focus: Problem and Solution
King Bidgood's In the Bathtub
Miss Nelson is Missing
MLK Books

We are also going over classroom and school rules this week, along with how we solve problems, and how to use the Emotional ABC's.  

Native Americans--This unit introduces students to the concept that indigenous people lived on the continents of North and South America long before European explorers visited and settled in this area.  Students will learn that there were many, many different tribes of Native Americans, and that each tribe had its own way of eating, dressing, and living, depending on where they lived.  Students will learn abou three tribes in particular:  the Lakota Sioux of the Great Plains region, and the Wampanoag and the Lenape, both of the Eastern Woodlands region.  They will begin to understand how different geographical regions influenced different lifestyles.  Students will learn that each Native American group has its own distinctive culture.  


January 3-5

Welcome Back
Happy New Year!!!

During the months of November, December, and January students will work on the following skills:
  • ·   numbers 0-20 (ordering, identifying, representing, and writing)
  • ·   tally marks
  • ·  matching and sorting: shapes
  • ·  reviewing 2 -dimensional shapes
  • ·  patterns :ABC and ABB
  • ·  comparing, ordering, and  measuring using non-standard units of measurement and with a ruler in inches
We are reviewing this week for Math on above standards.  Our Math Interim is next week-January 8-12th.

What did you do over Winter Break? writing prompt.

We are also going over classroom and school rules this week, along with how we solve problems, and how to use the Emotional ABC's.