
November 30-December 4

Progress Reports

Student progress reports for the first trimester are now available for viewing. You can access progress reports via the Cologne Academy website - click here to go to the parent portal.

Below is the grading key for the kindergarten progress reports:

E=Exceeds the Standard
M=Meets the Standard
P=Progressing Towards the Standard
NA=Not Assessed

Music Informances
Please see the following for your child's rotation for the informances.

Mrs. Pogatshnik
9:00-9:30 Parents meet in the new computer lab to learn about Core Knowledge and students will be in the classroom
9:40-10:10  Parents can join their child in class for Core Knowledge Farm Centers
10:20-10:50  Parents can follow their children to music for a music lesson and performance.
11:00  Kindergartners eat lunch

Mrs. Mateen
9:00-9:30 Parents can join their child in class for Core Knowledge Farm Centers
9:40-10:10  Parents can follow their children to music for a music lesson and performance.
10:20-10:50  Parents meet in the new computer lab to learn about Core Knowledge and students will be in the classroom
11:00  Kindergartners eat lunch

Ms. Bronk
9:00-9:30 Parents can follow their children to music for a music lesson and performance.
9:40-10:10  Parents meet in the new computer lab to learn about Core Knowledge and students will be in the classroom
10:20-10:50  Parents can join their child in class for Core Knowledge Farm Centers
11:00  Kindergartners eat lunch

Just a Reminder:
CA Policy States:
Students will be taken outside for recess every day, weather permitting, above zero degrees Fahrenheit wind chill.  When there is visible snow on the ground, snow pants, boots, hat, and mittens are required.  Students who fail to bring adequate winter attire will be permitted to borrow gear from the lost and found. If there are no items available, they will be allowed a one-time pass to remain indoors, and a parent phone call will be made to provide the proper attire for the following day. Further unpreparedness will result in the student attending recess outdoors.

November through April we require that all students bring full winter gear (jackets, snow pants, boots, hat, and mittens).  

Farmer Duck
Velveteen Rabbit
Focus:  Beginning, Middle, and End

During the months of November and December students will work on the following skills:
·   numbers 0-20 (ordering, identifying, representing, and writing)
·   tally marks
·  matching and sorting: shapes
·  reviewing 2 -dimensional shapes
·  patterns :ABC and ABB
·  comparing, ordering, and  measuring using non-standard units of measurement and with a ruler in inches
Throughout the year students will explore math through open-ended- problem solving journals, math stations, ipads/ipods, IXL, rekenreks, and a variety of math manipulatives.

We are working on thinking like writers and getting our ideas on paper using pictures and words.

Farms - Students will be able to explain what a farm is and why farms are important; identify animals, machinery, tools and buildings found on a farm. Students will also be able to identify the needs of animals and sequence the seasonal rhythm of planting, growing, and harvesting.