
April 11-15

SchoolWay Web App
SchoolWay's updated Web App is now available.  Our school has access to three apps:  Apple, Android, and Web.  With the web app, you can stay up to date even without a smart phone. 

Laura Numeroff Books
Focus: Cause and Effect

This week's focus: ABA Patterns and Shrinking Patterns
During the months of April, May, June students will work on the following skills

  • numbers to 100 (ordering, identifying, representing, and writing)
  • addition and subtraction
  •  patterns : ABA and shrinking
  • capacity
  • telling time to the hour
  • money: identify coins and the coin’s value, counting coins with the same value
Throughout the year students will explore math through open-ended- problem solving journals, math stations, ipads/ipods, IXL, rekenreks, and a variety of math manipulatives.

We are working on thinking like writers and getting our ideas on paper using pictures and words.  We are also labeling, stretching out words, and using our vowels.  This week we are working on turning our writing and ideas into books and scrolls.  We are working on thinking about what we are going to write and planning it out across all of the pages in our story. Including details and labeling in our pictures is an important way to tell more about our story.  We are also working on neatness, finger spacing, punctuation, and making sense.

Columbus and the Pilgrims--This unit introduces students to two important topics in the
history of the United States: the first voyage of Columbus, and the voyage of the Pilgrims some 128 years later.