Welcome Kinders!!
The big day is finally here! Tomorrow is the first day of school and we are all excited!
Welcome Kinders!!
The big day is finally here! Tomorrow is the first day of school and we are all excited!
Please make sure to remind your kinder to go directly to the lunch room tomorrow morning. All kinders are starting their day in the lunch room to eat breakfast every day. If your kinder is taking the bus or getting dropped off in carline, please remind them to use the doors next to the playground and go straight to the lunch room. It will be directly in front of them :)
If you would like to walk your kinder into school, you are welcome to do so (through the first week only). You can walk your kinder to the front doors or drop your kinder off in the foyer. I will be greeting students and checking students in right outside the lunch room. If your kinder has an older brother/sister, he/she can drop off your kinder at the lunch room too :)
If you did not bring your kinder's gym shoes to school yet, please send them with your kinder tomorrow in addition to any school supplies or forms. We DO have GYM tomorrow so we will need gym shoes!
Tomorrow is going to be a great start to the school year! Just remember....your kinder will most likely be tired :) It can be a long day!
Please inform the office of any changes to your normal end of the day routine. Always call or email Jana, in the main office, the day of changes.
Jana Moeller email:
main office phone: 952-466-2276
This week we will be working on introductions and rules to the school, classroom, hallway, lunchroom, recess, etc. We will be practicing transitions and procedures within the classroom.
First Day Jitters
Miss Bindergarten Gets Ready For Kindergarten
Kindergarten Rocks
On the Way to School
The Kissing Hand
We will be focusing on identifying the title, front/back of book, author and illustrator, and making connections to the text through our class discussions and activities.
During the months of September and October students will work on the following skills:
· numbers 0-10 (ordering, identifying, representing, and writing)
· matching and sorting: size and shape
· 2-dimensional shapes
· patterns :AB and ABB
Throughout the year students will explore math through open-ended- problem solving journals, math stations, ipads/ipods, IXL, rekenreks, and a variety of math manipulatives.
Students will practice the basic handwriting strokes, pencil grip, and correct posture.
Students will practice the basic handwriting strokes, pencil grip, and correct posture.