
Give to the Max Day

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The donation site is open....  https://www.givemn.org/organization/cologne-academy 

Any donations made today (NOV 1) thru the big day 11/17 will count towards our 11/17 day.
In partnership with our November Core Virtue of Generosity, we are asking each student to bring in two or more addresses for people/places that would be willing to donate to Cologne Academy during Give to the Max Day on Thursday, November 17th
Please send in your addresses to school by Friday, November 4th. Post cards will then be addressed and sent out during school. If we raise $10,000 we get an out of uniform day, $15,000 all staff will wear goofy hats for a day, and $20,000 Mrs. Peterson will dress in a costume for the whole day and at the next OSA. The money we raise will go towards needs for the school. Thank you in advance for your donation and addresses that will help spread the word. Please also note that as the year comes to a close many businesses are looking to match donations, asking your company to match your donation is a great way to double your donation and help the school make our goal.