STEP testing February 22nd, 23rd, 27th, 28th, March 1st and 2nd.
Pennies for Patients February 27th-March 3rd
Pennies For Patients Drive
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Start saving your pennies (and other coins) for CA's Pennies for Patients Drive February 27 - March 3!
For the fourth year in a row, Cologne Academy extends their partnership to Pennies for Patients, a local organization that takes its proceeds to support kids with cancer. Pennies for Patients is a part of the Leukemia Lymphoma Society that teams with schools to ask students to bring in their pennies to save lives. To make it fun, classes will have friendly competitions with other classes during the week. |
Goal: To raise $4000 to support kids with Cancer. When: February 27 – March 3 Kindergarten – Grade 2: We will be doing a daily “penny day” challenge. Each student is encouraged to bring in the daily challenge amount. Monday: 25 pennies Tuesday: 50 pennies Wednesday: 75 pennies Thursday: 100 pennies Friday: As many as you can!!!! *Winning classroom gets a popcorn party! Grades 3-8: Weight Wars! This year we will WEIGH each classroom’s bucket daily! The classroom or Village that collects the MOST weight wins! *Winning classroom or Village will get a non-uniform day for your entire class! All Students & Staff Friday, March 3 everyone is encouraged to bring $2 if you would like to wear a HAT! Each dollar collected will add ½ pound to the class/Village bucket!
Dr. Seuss' Birthday-March 2nd
We will be celebrating Dr. Seuss' birthday by reading his books, playing phonics games, measuring with feet, and making our own hats along with watching the video "Horton Hears a Who".
Winter Party March 3rd 12:40-1:50
Please send in a $3 donation by March 1st to help with the party supplies.
Field Trip-Birch Grove School for the Arts Musical “Madagascar”
Permission slips will be sent home on Monday, February 27th.
Introduction to Fairy Tales and Fairy Tale Elements
Sleeping Beauty
Sleeping Beauty
During the months of January, February, March students will work on the following skills:
· numbers 0-31 (ordering, identifying, representing, and writing)
· addition
· Ordinal Position
· tally marks
· matching and sorting: 3-D shapes
· patterns : ABC, ABBA, growing patterns
· comparing, ordering, and measuring using non-standard units of measurement and with a ruler in inches
Throughout the year students will explore math through open-ended- problem solving journals, math stations, ipads/ipods, IXL, rekenreks, and a variety of math manipulatives.
We are working on thinking like writers and getting our ideas on paper using pictures and words. We are also labeling, stretching out words, and using our vowels. This week we are working on turning our writing and ideas into books and scrolls. We are working on thinking about what we are going to write and planning it out across all of the pages in our story. Including details and labeling in our pictures is an important way to tell more about our story.
Seasons and Weather--kindergarteners will learn about the 4 seasons including the temperature and activities /proper clothing associated with specific seasons.