
April 23-27

Upcoming Events

This week is Volunteer Appreciation week!  We thank all parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, etc. who have volunteered at school or in the classroom!  Thank you for all that you do!  You are much appreciated!

· Wednesday, April 25th is our Field trip to the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum
· Friday, April 27th is April’s OSA
· April 30th  May 4th is Teacher Appreciation Week
· Friday, May 4th, Relay for Life Fundraiser
                    $2 = Non-uniform bottoms
                    $4 = Non-uniform bottoms + top
                    $5 = Non-uniform bottoms + top + hat
· May 8th is the Kindergarten Concert
· May 11th - in-school Field Trip-Milk Truck
· May 18th - Haler Farm Field Trip
· May 21st-May 25th - Spirit Week (More info to follow)
· May 24th - in-school field trip 4-H animals
· May 24th - Kindergarten Graduation 2:30-3:15 (see below)
· May 25th - May's OSA and Early Release at 1:00 pm
· May 28th - No School Memorial Day
· May 29th - Field Day
· May 30th - Minnetonka Park Field Trip (End of the Year Field Trip)
· May 31st - Last Day of School for Students

Just so you can put this date on your calendar...Kindergarten Graduation is scheduled for Thursday, May 24th from 2:30 - 3:15 pm. During graduation, we will be celebrating the end of kindergarten by receiving a kinder award, singing special songs and taking photos in our photo booth! Family and friends are welcome to join us (which will be in CA gym).