
September 26-30

Please inform the office of any changes to your normal end of the day routine. Always call or email the front office the changes.
Front desk email:    frontdesk@cologneacademy.org     
main office phone: 952-466-2276

This Week:
  • Picture Day is Wednesday, September 28th. Your kinder may be out of uniform this day and does not need to change into his/her uniform clothes after pictures. Forms will be sent home before this week so you can select your photos/photo package, if desired. 
  • Tuesday, September 27th is Family Night. Mrs. Gluck-Peterson is leading parents and teachers through the Growth Mindset from 6:30 - 7:30 PM. You are encouraged to attend! I have attached the flier to my email, which will give you more detailed information. 
  • Friday, September 30th is College T-Shirt Day and our first OSA. You will get your kinder's college t-shirt beforehand and I will send more detailed information about the OSA as it gets nearer.
  • I will also send the October book order home this week :)

Other "tid bits"

  • Please make sure you are sending your kinder's folder back to school every day. We are still practicing the afternoon routine, so your kinder's folder might not make it home one afternoon but please send it back when it does make it home :)
  • If your kinder is unable to tie his/her own shoes (or it takes him/her a long time to tie shoes independently), please have your child wear Velcro shoes. We change our shoes for gym and shoes can get untied fairly often. Therefore, the time it takes to keep tying shoes can add up!
  • If your kinder wears skirts or jumpers to school, she NEEDS to have shorts, leggings or tights on underneath her skirt or jumper at all times!
  • We have not begun using Lexia or IXL at school, so please do not have your kinder use either computer program at home. I will let you know when your kinder can start using the programs at home.

We're Going on A Leaf Hunt
There was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Fly
Goodnight Moon
We will be focusing on identifying the title, front/back of book, author and illustrator, and making connections to the text through our class discussions and activities.

During the months of September and October students will work on the following skills:
·         numbers 0-10 (ordering, identifying, representing, and writing)
·         matching and sorting: size and shape
·         2-dimensional shapes
·         patterns :AB and ABB
Throughout the year students will explore math through open-ended- problem solving journals, math stations, ipads/ipods, IXL, rekenreks, and a variety of math manipulatives.

Letters Aa, Dd, Cc, and Ee
Students will practice the basic handwriting strokes, pencil grip, and correct posture.

Nursery Rhymes and Fables: This unit will introduce students to nursery rhymes and fables that have been favorites with children for generations.  Students will learn classic rhymes like “Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star,”  “Humpty Dumpty,” and “Hickory, Dickory, Dock,” as well as classic characters such as Humpty Dumpty and Little Miss Muffet.  Mother Goose and other traditional poems help students learn vocabulary and build phonemic awareness.  By listening carefully to nursery rhymes and repeating or reciting them by heart, students develop an awareness of language that will help them become better readers and writers.  Because nursery rhymes are fun and involve everyday activities, Kindergarten students can relate to them.

FALL BREAK Opportunity...

Field Trip - Peter's Pumpkins & Carmen's Corn
Wednesday October 19th 

Wednesday, October 19th CA's Clubhouse is offering a Field Trip for ALL students to Peter's Pumpkins & Carmen's Corn in Shakopee. 

Cost is $40 per student which includes the daily Clubhouse rate ($25) plus the field trip cost ($15).

Thursday & Friday Clubhouse will remain at school, cost of care is $25 per day. 

Registration for both closes Monday, October 10 and payments must be made in advance. 
We cannot guarantee space after the registration deadline.
Please contact Cathy Kerber at ckerber@cologneacademy.org for registration.

**We reserve the right to cancel Clubhouse for a specific day(s) if enrollment does not reach 10 students.  You will be notified October 11 if Clubhouse will not be open and your payment will be credited. 


September 19-23

Please inform the office of any changes to your normal end of the day routine. Always call or email Jana, in the main office, the day of changes.
Jana Moeller email:    jmoeller@cologneacademy.org     
main office phone: 952-466-2276

This Week:
  • Spirit Week is this week. Your kinder may be out of uniform if your kinder follows the specific themed days (listed below). Please note, your kinder may wear non-uniform bottoms if he/she is following the themed days. For example: If your kinder's favorite color is green, he/she can wear a green shirt and jeans (or wear green pants too!). No hats!
    • Monday: PJ/Comfy Clothes Day
    • Tuesday: Favorite Character Day (movie, book, etc.)
    • Wednesday: Crazy and Mismatched Clothes Day
    • Thursday: Favorite Color Day
    • Friday: Cultural/Around the World Day
Next Week (September 26th - 30th):
  • Picture Day is Wednesday, September 28th. Your kinder may be out of uniform this day and does not need to change into his/her uniform clothes after pictures. Forms will be sent home before this week so you can select your photos/photo package, if desired. 
  • Tuesday, September 27th is Family Night. Mrs. Gluck-Peterson is leading parents and teachers through the Growth Mindset from 6:30 - 7:30 PM. You are encouraged to attend! I have attached the flier to my email, which will give you more detailed information. 
  • Friday, September 30th is College T-Shirt Day and our first OSA. You will get your kinder's college t-shirt beforehand and I will send more detailed information about the OSA as it gets nearer.
  • I will also send the October book order home this week :)

Other "tid bits"

  • Please make sure you are sending your kinder's folder back to school every day. We are still practicing the afternoon routine, so your kinder's folder might not make it home one afternoon but please send it back when it does make it home :)
  • If your kinder is unable to tie his/her own shoes (or it takes him/her a long time to tie shoes independently), please have your child wear Velcro shoes. We change our shoes for gym and shoes can get untied fairly often. Therefore, the time it takes to keep tying shoes can add up!
  • If your kinder wears skirts or jumpers to school, she NEEDS to have shorts, leggings or tights on underneath her skirt or jumper at all times!
  • We have not begun using Lexia or IXL at school, so please do not have your kinder use either computer program at home. I will let you know when your kinder can start using the programs at home.

Ten Apples up On Top
We're Going On a Bear Hunt
Chicka, Chicka, Boom, Boom

We will be focusing on identifying the title, front/back of book, author and illustrator, and making connections to the text through our class discussions and activities.

During the months of September and October students will work on the following skills:
·         numbers 0-10 (ordering, identifying, representing, and writing)
·         matching and sorting: size and shape
·         2-dimensional shapes
·         patterns :AB and ABB
Throughout the year students will explore math through open-ended- problem solving journals, math stations, ipads/ipods, IXL, rekenreks, and a variety of math manipulatives.

Letters Ll, Ii, Tt, and Oo
Students will practice the basic handwriting strokes, pencil grip, and correct posture.

Nursery Rhymes and Fables: This unit will introduce students to nursery rhymes and fables that have been favorites with children for generations.  Students will learn classic rhymes like “Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star,”  “Humpty Dumpty,” and “Hickory, Dickory, Dock,” as well as classic characters such as Humpty Dumpty and Little Miss Muffet.  Mother Goose and other traditional poems help students learn vocabulary and build phonemic awareness.  By listening carefully to nursery rhymes and repeating or reciting them by heart, students develop an awareness of language that will help them become better readers and writers.  Because nursery rhymes are fun and involve everyday activities, Kindergarten students can relate to them.


September 12-16

Morning Parent Drop Off (non-bus riders)
We encourage all parents to drop their children off in the carline. However, if you need to come into the school ALL parents need to enter through the main office regardless of the reason for their visit. We will ask you to sign-in and obtain a visitor badge if you will be walking to the classroom.

Please inform the office of any changes to your normal end of the day routine. Always call or email Jana, in the main office, the day of changes.
Jana Moeller email:    jmoeller@cologneacademy.org     
main office phone: 952-466-2276

This Week:
  • There are no events this week!
Next Week (September 19th - 23rd):
  • Spirit Week is this week. Your kinder may be out of uniform if your kinder follows the specific themed days (listed below). Please note, your kinder may wear non-uniform bottoms if he/she is following the themed days. For example: If your kinder's favorite color is green, he/she can wear a green shirt and jeans (or wear green pants too!). No hats!
    • Monday: PJ/Comfy Clothes Day
    • Tuesday: Favorite Character Day (movie, book, etc.)
    • Wednesday: Crazy and Mismatched Clothes Day
    • Thursday: Favorite Color Day
    • Friday: Cultural/Around the World Day
The Following Week (September 26th - 30th):
  • Picture Day is Wednesday, September 28th. Your kinder may be out of uniform this day and does not need to change into his/her uniform clothes after pictures. Forms will be sent home before this week so you can select your photos/photo package, if desired. 
  • Tuesday, September 27th is Family Night. Mrs. Gluck-Peterson is leading parents and teachers through the Growth Mindset from 6:30 - 7:30 PM. You are encouraged to attend! I have attached the flier to my email, which will give you more detailed information. 
  • Friday, September 30th is College T-Shirt Day and our first OSA. You will get your kinder's college t-shirt beforehand and I will send more detailed information about the OSA as it gets nearer.
  • I will also send the October book order home this week :)

Other "tid bits"

  • Please make sure you are sending your kinder's folder back to school every day. We are still practicing the afternoon routine, so your kinder's folder might not make it home one afternoon but please send it back when it does make it home :)
  • If your kinder is unable to tie his/her own shoes (or it takes him/her a long time to tie shoes independently), please have your child wear Velcro shoes. We change our shoes for gym and shoes can get untied fairly often. Therefore, the time it takes to keep tying shoes can add up!
  • If your kinder wears skirts or jumpers to school, she NEEDS to have shorts, leggings or tights on underneath her skirt or jumper at all times!
  • We have not begun using Lexia or IXL at school, so please do not have your kinder use either computer program at home. I will let you know when your kinder can start using the programs at home.

Pete the Cat - Rockin in my School Shoes
The Pirate of Kindergarten
Brown Bear Brown Bear
Sheep in a Jeep
We will be focusing on identifying the title, front/back of book, author and illustrator, and making connections to the text through our class discussions and activities.
This week we will continue to work on our routines and expectations for our literacy block.

During the months of September and October students will work on the following skills:
·         numbers 0-10 (ordering, identifying, representing, and writing)
·         matching and sorting: size and shape
·         2-dimensional shapes
·         patterns :AB and ABB
Throughout the year students will explore math through open-ended- problem solving journals, math stations, ipads/ipods, IXL, rekenreks, and a variety of math manipulatives.

Horizontal Lines, Vertical Lines, Backward Circles, Forward Circles
Students will practice the basic handwriting strokes, pencil grip, and correct posture.

Emotional ABC's-we will be learning that emotions happen all the time, that all feelings are okay and learn how to respond to them appropriately


September 6th-9th

We had a great first week of kindergarten! The students are doing so well adjusting to school life.  Now that the first week of kindergarten is done, we are excited to see the students come into school and walk down the hall by themselves.  This is an important part of their learning independence and getting them ready for their future school careers.  It is such a sense of accomplishment for them to be able to grow more independently each day.

Please inform the office of any changes to your normal end of the day routine. Always call or email Jana, in the main office, the day of changes.
Jana Moeller email:    jmoeller@cologneacademy.org     
main office phone: 952-466-2276

Allie's Adventure from A to Z
Max's ABC Day
Mice Mischief 
Animal ABC's

We will be focusing on identifying the title, front/back of book, author and illustrator, and making connections to the text through our class discussions and activities.
This week we will continue to work on our routines and expectations for our literacy block. Next week, we will dive into guided reading!

During the months of September and October students will work on the following skills:
·         numbers 0-10 (ordering, identifying, representing, and writing)
·         matching and sorting: size and shape
·         2-dimensional shapes
·         patterns :AB and ABB
Throughout the year students will explore math through open-ended- problem solving journals, math stations, ipads/ipods, IXL, rekenreks, and a variety of math manipulatives.