
Week of October 20

  • Wednesday, Oct. 22: Students wear orange on top with uniform bottoms (Anit-Bullying awareness month)
  • Friday, Oct. 24: Trunk or Treat!!
  • Thank you, Parents, for attending conferences! It was a pleasure meeting with all of you. Feel free to contact your child's teacher at any point in the year if you have questions or concerns. 

We're Going on A Leaf Hunt
Focus: Predicting and Retelling
Blueberries for Sal
Focus: Predicting

This week we our reviewing for our Math Interim test next week. 
During the months of September and October students will work on the following skills:
·         numbers 0-10 (ordering, identifying, representing, and writing)
·         matching and sorting: size and shape
·         2-dimensional shapes
·         patterns :AB and ABB
Throughout the year students will explore math through open-ended- problem solving journals, math stations, ipads/ipods, IXL, rekenreks, and a variety of math manipulatives.

Letters: Vv, Cc, Pp, Ee
Students will practice the basic handwriting strokes, pencil grip, and correct posture.
Labeling Pictures

Animal Habitats-Each day we will be learning about a different habitat and the animals that live in that particular habitat.