
Goodbye, Kindergarten Friends!

Dear Kindergarten Families,

This past year, we have worked hard and participated in many fun and exciting activities. Not only have we developed skills needed for the First Grade, but we have also made new friends along the way. We are excited to pass along such a wonderful group of students to the First Grade, yet we will miss our students tremendously.

Every one of our students has brought exuberance and joy to the classroom. Throughout the year, they have touched our lives and this school year in positive and rewarding ways.

Over the summer vacation, we strongly encourage students to read and be read to every day, practice handwriting and countingboth orally and in writing, math facts, review sight words, write in a journal, and practice IXL and LEXIA. Doing one or two of these activities each day over the summer vacation will help to keep your child’s skills sharp.

As your child moves from Kindergarten to First grade, there are some very important things you can do to help them get ready. Help your child develop a habit of solving problems independently. Practice ways to get organized and stay organized. These little things will lead to big successes next year. 

Your child’s Student Learning Plan (SLP), beginning of the year, and end of year writing samples were sent home this week. The SLP displays whether or not your child met their spring goal in math and reading. Progress reports can be accessed via Infinite Campus at our school’s website. Please take time to review these and we encourage you to contact your child’s teacher with any questions or concerns about your child’s progress..

It has been our pleasure getting to know not only your child, but you as well. Having parental support has been an essential part of making this school year a success. Thank you for all you have done to make your child’s kindergarten year so fulfilling and memorable.

Again, thank you for a wonderful year. Have a fantastic summer!


CA Kindergarten Team
Mrs. Mase, Mrs. Pogatshnik, & Ms. Hansen