
September 8-11

We had a great first week of kindergarten! The students are doing so well adjusting to school life.  Now that the first week of kindergarten is done, we are excited to see the students come into school and walk down the hall by themselves.  This is an important part of their learning independence and getting them ready for their future school careers.  It is such a sense of accomplishment for them to be able to grow more independently each day.

Please inform the office of any changes to your normal end of the day routine. Always call or email Jana, in the main office, the day of changes.
Jana Moeller email:    jmoeller@cologneacademy.org     
main office phone: 952-466-2276

Allie's Adventure from A to Z
Max's ABC Day
Mice Mischief 
Animal ABC's

We will be focusing on identifying the title, front/back of book, author and illustrator, and making connections to the text through our class discussions and activities.
This week we will continue to work on our routines and expectations for our literacy block. Next week, we will dive into guided reading!

During the months of September and October students will work on the following skills:
·         numbers 0-10 (ordering, identifying, representing, and writing)
·         matching and sorting: size and shape
·         2-dimensional shapes
·         patterns :AB and ABB
Throughout the year students will explore math through open-ended- problem solving journals, math stations, ipads/ipods, IXL, rekenreks, and a variety of math manipulatives.

vertical lines, horizontal lines, backwards circles, slant lines & forward circles
Students will practice the basic handwriting strokes, pencil grip, and correct posture.