
May 9-13

Field Trip to the Haler Farm is on May 13th from 9:00-10:30.  Please send in your field trip forms as soon as possible.

Class Party--May 13th from 2:00-3:10.  Please contact your students' teacher or room parents if you would like to help.

SPRING FLING- Donation items

Arts & Crafts: examples; crayons, paints, construction paper, play dough, colored pencils, sidewalk chalk, paint brushes, finger paints, finger paint paper, glitter, markers, scissors, stickers

Beach Time: examples: suntan lotion, blanket, towels, beach chairs, sand pails/ shovels, beach ball, underwater camera

RELAY FOR LIFE   Cologne Academy is again teaming with Relay for Life to raise funds to help fight cancer. We are offering a jeans day (with uniform top) for students who bring in a $3.00+ donation for Relay for Life. The jeans day will be Friday, May 20th.  Last fall we raised a whopping $1,795; let's see if we can do even better this spring!  Students who do not participate will be expected to be in uniform bottoms.  Please make out any checks to ACS NOT CA.

Presidents and Symbols-This unit explores the lives and legacies of five famous presidents and introduces students to several national symbols including the American Flag, the Statue of Liberty, the White House, and Mount Rushmore.

This week's focus: Money
During the months of April, May, June students will work on the following skills

  • numbers to 100 (ordering, identifying, representing, and writing)
  • addition and subtraction
  •  patterns : ABA and shrinking
  • capacity
  • telling time to the hour
  • money: identify coins and the coin’s value, counting coins with the same value
Throughout the year students will explore math through open-ended- problem solving journals, math stations, ipads/ipods, IXL, rekenreks, and a variety of math manipulatives.

We are working on thinking like writers and getting our ideas on paper using pictures and words.  We are also labeling, stretching out words, and using our vowels.  This week we are working on turning our writing and ideas into books and scrolls.  We are working on thinking about what we are going to write and planning it out across all of the pages in our story. Including details and labeling in our pictures is an important way to tell more about our story.  We are also working on neatness, finger spacing, punctuation, and making sense.

Magnets-Students will identify what a magnet is, what the familiar everyday uses of a magnet are, and what objects are attracted to a magnet.